Novus at Rowan University

Introductory training/workshop/networking kickoff to begin shifting the mindset from the science & technology to the people it benefits.
Jan 11, 2024, 12:00 pm4:00 pm
Rowan University - Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering 401 North Campus Drive Eng Hall 321 Glassboro, NJ 08028


Event Description

Networking Lunch will be provided, so please RSVP by Monday, January 8, 2023.

Learn about the impact your research or innovation could have in solving real-world problems by attending our Novus I-Corps Program at Rowan University, a half-day introduction to I-Corps followed by self-paced coursework, co-hosted by the Northeast I-Corps Hub and Rowan University Office of Technology Commercialization and Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering.

The Novus I-Corps Program at Rowan University program provides an opportunity for individuals and teams with innovations to:

  • Shift the mindset from science and technology to the learning about the people it could benefit
  • Understand how Customer Discovery drives innovation (and gets you out of the building!)
  • Meet local I-Corps Program Leaders and leaders in Tech Transfer to guide your journey
  • Learn tips for success from an I-Corps Alumni Panel sharing their experience
  • (Optional) Network with innovation-minded individuals to help form teams or guide your next steps

Who Should Attend: (Individuals and teams from any Rowan University campus are invited)

  • Rowan University faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, undergraduates, and alumni who are developing a scientific or technical discovery.
  • Individuals, including community members and local entrepreneurs, who want to learn how innovation happens at Rowan University and potentially join a team.
  • Student Organization / Program Leaders who want to learn more about how I-Corps can benefit their members.


  • TRAINING: Three-hour training introducing the I-Corps Lean LaunchPad approach to evaluating technologies through customer-discovery research, focused on identifying the technology’s potential for development in a startup or other venture.
  • NETWORKING: Build relationships with local I-Corps program leaders to get guidance and support. Individuals can form teams to be eligible to apply for the Regional I-Corps program.
  • PREPARATION: Attendees will be prepared to begin a journey of Customer Discovery with their own team or with a team they newly created.
  • FOLLOW-ON OPPORTUNITIES: Attendees can be fast-tracked to an upcoming 4-week regional I-Corps Program and have access to a $3,000 NSF grant to do Customer Discovery. Teams who complete 20+ interviews after Novus can become eligible to apply for the $50k National I-Corps Teams program.