Jannette Carey

Faculty Lead
Princeton University

Professor Carey has many long-standing collaborations in both the US and overseas. She holds a prestigious continuing appointment as a visiting scientist of the Czech Academy of Sciences. She was the 2005-2006 Tage Erlander guest professor of the Swedish National Science Foundation, the highest award given to visiting scholars. She considers this a particular honor because Tage Erlander was a noted educator and, as prime minister in the post-war years, is credited as the father of modern Swedish social democracy. In 2014 Professor Carey initiated and taught a new summer course in ligand-binding theory and practice sponsored by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. In 2016, she was awarded an NSF INCLUDES Award for a pilot science educational program for the NJ state prisons. At home Professor Carey directs a long-running, NSF-funded training site (renewed through 2021) in biophysics research for undergraduates that brings students of the physical and mathematical sciences and engineering from schools with limited research opportunity to Princeton for a summer's research with our world-renowned faculty. REU students can spend a subsequent summer at the Czech Academy living and working in a renovated castle. Professor Carey is a member of numerous advisory and grant review committees, a frequent reviewer of manuscripts for a wide range of journals, and an editor of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.